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Theses | Exploiting
Quaternions to Support Expressive Interactive Character Motion.
M. P. Johnson, Ph.D. Thesis. February 2003. State
Discovery for Autonomous Learning. Y. Ivanov, Ph.D. Thesis. February
2002. Synthetic
Social Relationships for Computational Entities.
W. Tomlinson, Ph.D. Thesis. February 2002. Adaptive
Models for the Recognition of Human Gesture.
A. Wilson, Ph.D. Thesis. February 2000. Torque
Vector Fields for Character Animation.
M. Grimes, M.S. Thesis. May 2003. Rover@Home:
Computer Mediated Remote Interaction Between Humans and Dogs.
B. Resner, M.S. Thesis. September 2001. It's
About Time: Temporal Representations for Synthetic Characters.
R. Burke, M. S. Thesis. September 2001. The
Design and Engineering of Variable Character Morphology.
S. Eaton, M.S. Thesis. August 2001. The
Virtual Hippocampus: Spatial Common Sense for Synthetic Characters.
D. Isla, M.Eng. Thesis. August 2001. Behavior,
Animation and Music: The Music and Movement of Synthetic Characters.
M. Downie, M.S. Thesis, Draft. January 2001. Observation-based
Expectation Generation and Response for Behavior-based Artificial Creatures.
C. Kline, M.S. Thesis. September 1999. Interactivity
and Emotion through Cinematography.
W. Tomlinson, M.S. Thesis. May 1999. IMPS:
Implicit Surfaces for Interactive Animated Characters.
K. Russell, M.S. Thesis. May 1999. Evolving
Visual Routines.
M. P. Johnson, M.S. Thesis. August 1995. Old
Tricks, New Dogs: Ethology and Interactive Creatures.
B. Blumberg, Ph.D. Dissertation. 1996. |
Papers | |||
2002 | Viscous
Display: Adaptive Transient Interfaces in Public Space.
L. Shirvanee, M. Downie. Sketches and application, Proceedings of the
30th annual conference of Computer graphics and interactive techniques,
SIGGRAPH 2003. Object
Persistence for Synthetic Characters.
D. Isla, B. Blumberg. In the Proceedings of the First International Joint
Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2002. Using
an Ethologically-Inspired Model to Learn Apparent Temporal Causality for
Planning in Synthetic Creatures.
R. Burke, B. Blumberg. In the Proceedings of the First International Joint
Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2002. Developmental Learning of Memory-based Perceptual Models. Y. Ivanov, B. Blumberg. Second International Conference on Learning and Development. 2002. Solving
weak transduction with expectation maximization.
Y. Ivanov, B. Blumberg. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 39, pp. 462-463,
2002. New
Challenges for Character-based AI for Games. D.
Isla, B. Blumberg. In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on AI and
Interactive Entertainment, Palo Alto, CA, March 2002. Social
Synthetic Characters.
B. Tomlinson, B. Blumberg. Computer Graphics Vol. 26, No. 2. May 2002. Developing
an Aesthetic: Character-Based Interactive Installations.
M. Downie, B. Tomlinson, B. Blumberg. Computer Graphics Vol. 26, No. 2.
May 2002. AlphaWolf:
Social learning, Emotion and Development in Autonomous Virtual Agents.
B. Tomlinson, B. Blumberg. First GSFC/JPL Workshop on Radical Agent Concepts.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD. 2002. Viscous Display: Embedded Mobile Communication Devices. Shirvanee, M. Downie. Proceedings of the International Society of Electronic Art. Loops: A Digital Portrait. M. Downie. Sketches and applications, Proceedings of the 29th annual conference of Computer graphics and interactive techniques, SIGGRAPH 2002. Leashing
the AlphaWolves: Mixing User Direction with Autonomous Emotion in a Pack
of Semi-Automous Virtual Characters.
B. Tomlinson, M. Downie, M. Berlin, J. Gray, D. Lyons, J. Cochran, B.
Blumberg. Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation. Integrated
Learning for Interactive Synthetic Characters. B.
Blumberg, M. Downie, Y. Ivanov, M. Berlin, M.P. Johnson, B. Tomlinson.
Proceedings of the 29th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive
techniques, SIGGRAPH 2002. Synthetic
Social Relationships in Animated Virtual Characters.
B. Tomlinson, B. Blumberg. From Animals to Animats 7. Proceedings of the
Seventh International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior,
Edinburgh, UK, SAB 2002. |
2001 | AlphaWolf. B. Tomlinson, M. Downie, M. Berlin, J. Gray, A. Wong, R. Burke, R. D. Isla, Y. Ivanov, M. P. Johnson, D. Lyons, J. Cochran, B. Young, D. Stiehl, R. Soetjipto, D. Zaharopol, B. Blumberg. In Conference and Abstracts and Applications of SIGGRAPH 2001. Expectation
Maximization for Weakly Labeled Data. Y.
Ivanov, B. Blumberg, A. Pentland. In Proceedings of the International
Conference on Machine Learning, Williamstown, MA, June 2001. A
Layered Brain Architecture for Synthetic Creatures. D.
Isla, R. Burke, M. Downie, B. Blumberg. In Proceedings of IJCAI, Seattle,
WA, August 2001. Social
Behavior, Emotion and Learning in a Pack of Virtual Wolves.
B. Tomlinson, B. Blumberg. AAAI Fall Symposium "Emotional and Intelligent
II: The Tangles Know of Social Cognition", North Falmouth, MA, November
2-4, 2001. CreatureSmarts:
The Art and Architecture of a Virtual Brain. R.
Burke, D. Isla, M. Downie, Y. Ivanov, B. Blumberg. In Proceedings of the
Game Developers Conference, pp. 147-166, San Jose, CA, 2001. Multiple
Conceptions of Character-Based Interactive Installations. B.
Tomlinson, M. Downie, B. Blumberg. Submitted to CHI2001. Interactive Training for Synthetic Characters. S. Y. Yoon, R. C. Burke, B. M. Blumberg, G. E. Schneider. AAAI 2001. |
2000 | Expressive
Autonomous Cinematography for Interactive Virtual Environments. B.
Tomlinson, B. Blumberg, D. Nain. In Proceedings of Autonomous Agents 2000. How
Is an Agent Like a Wolf? Dominance and Submission in Multi-Agent Systems.
B. Tomlinson, B. Blumberg, B. Rhodes. International ICSC Symposium on
Multi-Agents and Mobile Agents in Virtual organizations and E-Commerce(MAMA),
Wollongong, Australia. 2000. EM
for Perceptual Coding and Reinforcement Learning Tasks. Y.
Ivanov, B. Blumberg, A. Pentland. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Intelligent
Robotic Systems, Reading, UK, July 2000. Motivation Driven Learning for Interactive Synthetic Characters. S. Y. Yoon, B. Blumberg, G. Schneider. In Proceedings of Autonomous Agents 2000. (Best Student Paper Award) Interactive Training for Synthetic Characters. S. Y. Yoon, R. Burke, B. Blumberg, G. E. Schneider. In Proceedings of AAAI 2000. Observation-based expectation generation and response for believable reactive agents. C. Kline, B. Blumberg. In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents, pp. 46-47. 2000. Physically Interactive Story Environments. C. S. Pinhanez, J. W. Davis, S. Intille, M. P. Johnson, A. D. Wilson, A. D. Bobick, B. Blumberg. IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 32, Nos. 3&4. pp. 438-455. 2000. |
1999 | Sympathetic
Interfaces: Using a Plush Toy to Direct Synthetic Characters. M.
P. Johnson, A. Wilson, B. Blumberg, C. Kline, A. Bobick. In Proceedings
of the CHI 99 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 152-158. The
Art and Science of Synthetic Character Design. C. Kline and B. Blumberg.
Proceedings of the AISB 1999 Symposium
on AI and Creativity in Entertainment and Visual Art, Edinburgh, Scotland. Behavior-Friendly
K. Russell and B. Blumberg. Presented at Computer Graphics International
1999. The
Art and Science of Synthetic Character Design.
C. Kline and B. Blumberg. In Proceedings of the AISB1999 Symposium on
AI and Creativity in Entertainment and Visual Art, Edinburgh, Scotland.
1999. (void*): A Cast of Characters. B. Blumberg. In Visual Proceedings of SIGGRAPH1999, ACM Press, p. 169. 1999. sand:stone.
Synthetic Characters Group. M. Downie, B. Tomlinson, A. Benbasat, J. Wahl,
D. Stiehl, B. Blumberg. Leonardo Vol 32, N.5, pp. 462-463. 1999. |
1990-1998 |
Swamped! Using plush toys to direct autonomous animated characters. In Visual Proceedings of SIGGRAPH1998, ACM Press, p. 109. 1998. Go
with the Flow: Synthetic Vision for Autonomous Animated Creatures.
B. Blumberg. Poster Presented at the 1997 AAAI Conference on Autonomous
Agents, Marina Del Ray, CA. Autonomous animated interactive characters: do we need them? B. Blumberg. In Proceedings of Computer Graphics International Conference, pp. 29-37. 1997. No
Bad Dogs: Ethological Lessons for Learning.
B. Blumberg, P. Todd, P. Maes. In From Animals to Animats, Proceedings
of the Fourth International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior.
1996. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA. The
ALIVE System: Wireless, Full-Body Interaction with Autonomous Agents.
Maes, T. Darrell, B. Blumberg, A. Pentland. In the ACm Special Issue on
Multimedia and Multisensory Virtual Worlds. 1996. Distributed ALIVE. K. Russel, B. Blumberg. in Visual Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1996, ACM Press, p. 141. 1996. Modeling Interacive Agents in ALIVE. P. Maes, B. Blumberg, T. Darrell, A. Pentland, A. Wexelblat. In Proveedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 1995-2), pp. 2073-2074. 1995. Multi-Level
Direction of Autonomous Creatures for Real-Time Virtual Environments.
Blumberg, A. Pentland. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH1995. Interacting with Animated Autonomous Agents. P. Maes, T. Darrell, B. Blumberg, S. Pentland. In Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on Believeable Agents, AAAI. March 1994. Action-Selection
in Hamsterdam: Lessons from Ethlogy.
B. Blumberg. In From Animals to Animats, Proceedings of the Third
Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. 1994. MIT Press, Cambridge,
An Aritificial life interactive video Environment.
P. Maes, B. Blumberg, T. Darrell, S. Pentland. In Visual proceedings of
SIGGRAPH1993, ACM Press, pp. 189-190. 1993. |
Other Major Publications | Biomimetic Animated Creatures. B. Blumberg. In Biologically-Inspired intelligent Robots, Y. Bar-Cohen, C. Brezeal, eds., SPIE Press, 2002. Synthetic Social Relationships in Animated Virtual Characters. From Animals to Animats 7, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB '02, Edinburgh, UK, 2002. D-Learning:
What learning in dogs tells us about building characters that learn what
they ought to learn.
B. Blumberg. Exploring Artificial Intelligence in the New Millennium,
G. Lakemeyer, B. Nebel, eds., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, pp. 37-67, 2002. Blackboard Architectures. D. Isla, B. Blumberg. In AI Game Programming Wisdom, Steve Rabin, ed., Charles River Media, Inc., pp. 333-344, 2002. Learning in Character: Building Autonomous Animated Characters That Learn What They Ought to Learn. B. Blumberg. Virtual Storytelling: Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling, O. Balet, G. Subsol, P. Torguet, eds., Springer, 113-126, 2002. How to Make Computers Smarter. B. Blumberg. Research and Innovation, Siemens, January 1999. Building Believable Synthetic Characters. C. Kline and B. Blumberg. In Workshop Notes from i3 Workshop on Behavior Planning for Life-Like Characters and Avatars, p. 63-71, 1999. Synthetic Characters: Behaving in character. B. Blumberg. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1554, p. 451, 1999. Jury Statement. B. Blumberg. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 98 Conference on Computer Graphics: conference abstracts and applications, p. 105, 1998. Multi-level control for animated autonomous agents: Do the right thing...Oh, not that.... B. Blumberg, T. Gaylean. Creating Personalities for Synthetic Actors: Towards Autonomous Personality Agents, R. Trappl and P. Petta, eds., Springer-Verlag, pp. 74-82, 1997. Review of D. McFarland and T. Boesser, Intelligent behavior in animals and robots. P. M. Todd, B. Blumberg. Animal Behavior, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 562-563, February 1995. Alive Dreams and Illusions. T. Darrell, P. Maes, B. Blumberg, A. Pentland. In Visual Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Conference on Computer Graphics, 1995. A Novel Environment for Situated Vision and Behavior. T. Darrell, P. Maes, B. Blumberg, A. Pentland. In proceedings of CVPR 94 Workshop for Visual Behaviors, pp. 68-72, 1994. The ALIVE Video. P. Maes, T. Darrell, B. Blumberg, S. Pentland. In The Virtual Body, 9th exhibit in the series "Revue Virtuelle," Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, 2 March-2 May, 1994. Building Believeable Animals. B. Blumberg. In workshop notes for 1994 AAAI Spring Symposium on Believeable Agents, pp. 16-20, AAAI, march 1994. |
Installations | AlphaWolf. B. Blumberg, B. Tomlinson, M. Downie, M. Berlin, J. Gray, A. Wong, R. Burke, D. Isla, Y. Ivanov, M. P. Johnson, D. Lyons, J. Cochran, B. Young. In Future Cinema: The Cinematic Imaginary after Film, ZKM Center for Art & Media, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2002-2003. AlphaWolf. B. Blumberg, B. Tomlinson, M. Downie, M. Berlin, J. Gray, A. Wong, R. Burke, D. Isla, Y. Ivanov, M. P. Johnson, D. Lyons, J. Cochran, B. Young. In Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, 2002. sheep | dog: Trial by Eire. B. Blumberg, R. Burke, D. Isla, M. Downie, S. Eaton, B. Tomlinson, M. Berlin, J. Gray, D. Stiehl. In Electronic Entertainment Expo, E3 2001. sand:stone. B. Tomlinson, M. Downie, A. Benbasat, J. Wahl, D. Stiehl, B. Blumberg. In 7th New York Digital Salon, New York, NY, 1999. (void*): A Cast of Characters. B. Blumberg, B. Tomlinson, M. P. Johnson, S. Y. Yoon, M. Downie, A. Benbasat, J. Wahl, D. Stiehl, D. Nain. In SIGGRAPH 99 Emerging Tecnologies, Los Angeles, CA, 1999. Swamped! B. Blumberg, M. P. Johnson, M. Hlavac, C. Kline, K. Russell, B. Tomlinson, S. Y. Yoon, A. Wilson, T. Marrin, J. Paradiso, J. Wahl, Z. Teegarden, D. Stiehl. In SIGGRAPH 98 Emerging Technologies, Orlando, FL, 1998. The ALIVE Video. P. Maes, T. Darrell, B. Blumberg, S. Penland. In Ars Electronica '94 Video Proceedings. 1994. The ALIVE Video. P. Maes, T. Darrell, B. Blumberg, S. Pentland. In AAAI 94 Video Proceedings. 1994. Interacting with Animated Autonomous Agents. P. Maes, T. Darrell, B. Blumberg, A. Pentland, L. Foner. Workshop Notes of the AAAI 1994 Workshop on AI, ALife, and Entertainment. 1994. |
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